Photo Galleries | The National Shrine of St. John Neumann

Photo Galleries

Select a photo gallery to view.

Shrine Pilgrims
2017-2018 Shrine Pilgrims

2018 St. John Neumann Shrine

2018 St. John Neumann Tomb

St. John Neumann Center
St. John Neumann Center

2018 Priests

2018 St. John Neumann Museum

2018 Feast Day with Cardinal Tobin

2018 Feast Day Capital Campaign Reception

Interior Shrine Church
2018 Tomb on Feast Day

2018 Reliquary & Intentions

2018 Gift Shop

2017 Feast Day Mass

Upper Church
2017 Upper Church

2017 Archbishop Shaw Visit from Pakistan

2017 Christmas

Interior Shrine Church
2017 Shrine Church

2017 Reliquary Visit to Ohio

2017 Beneficial Bank & St. John Neumann

2017 Michael’s Birthday Surprise